This is a summary of an issue that was semi-recently fixed in LLVM and GCC. It merits a blog post because the issue is somewhat subtle, and a central place to refer to can be helpful.

Setting the Stage

In this post we will focus on C++ inline functions. The problem described here may apply to other cases as well, but we won’t focus on those.

C++ inline functions are usually defined in header files that are included in multiple translation units. The intent is to inline them at all call sites, but some call-sites may not actually inline these functions (to cap code size, for instance) in which case an out-of-line copy of the definition is required. In order to have an out-of-line definition when needed, compilers typically emit a copy of the function body in each translation unit that includes the header (the header defining the inline function, that is), and at link time the linker chooses one of the (potentially multiple) bodies it has access to as the definitive copy of the function and links all un-inlined call sites to call into that. There is some more detail about the process at

Since the compiler can see the definition of C++ inline functions when optimizing its callers, it is tempting to do some inter-procedural optimization (IPO) even if we don’t inline the function bodies. For instance, if we know the call target does not read or write memory, we can do dead store elimination across the call-site.

This post will show that IPO like the above is generally not sound for C++ inline functions.


  1. Given two differently (but correctly!) optimized versions of the same source level function, we may be able to prove things about one of the copies that are not valid for the other.

  2. From (1) it follows that inter-procedural optimizations are generally not valid if the call site can ultimately link to a differently optimized version of the same source level function. This means IPO across call-sites calling C++ inline functions is unsound if we link two differently optimized object files together (i.e. clang -O1 vs. clang -O3).

  3. “Differently optimized” does not necessarily mean “different optimization pipeline”. It is possible for the same function to be differently optimized just by virtue of being in a different context. Therefore IPO across C++ inline functions call boundaries is incorrect even if every object file being linked together is optimized identically (i.e. clang -O3 vs. clang -O3).

As-if Execution and Refinement

Many optimizations involve the compiler “choosing” one valid execution from many possible valid executions.

For instance, consider this snippet:

bool f(std::atomic_int& ptr) {
  int val_a = ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  int val_b = ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  return val_a == val_b;

As written, f can either return true or false: there could be a concurrent thread writing different values to ptr while f executes, and the two loads from ptr may or may not observe different values. However, a compiler is allowed to (expected, even) to first optimize the above to

bool f_opt(std::atomic_int& ptr) {
  int val = ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  return val == val;

and then to

bool f_opt(std::atomic_int& ptr) {
  return true;

This is legal since even though f is allowed to return false, it does not have to return false even in the face of racing writes. That is it does not have to see different values from the two reads from ptr – we can always optimize it as if both the reads from ptr saw the same value.

The key observation here is that f and f_opt are not equivalent – it is legal to replace f with f_opt (that is, f_opt is a valid implementation of f), but not the other way around. Henceforth, let’s call going from f to f_opt (and similar cases) refinement and going the other way from f_opt to f (and similar cases) derefinement. As stated, derefinement is not a valid optimization in the traditional sense.

Refinement is not specific to atomic operations and multi-threaded programs. Given

bool g(bool b) {
  if (b)
    return true;
  int unused = 1 / 0;
  return false;

we can produce

bool g_opt(bool b) {
  return true;

by refining away undefined behavior.

Clang will also do as-if optimizations on malloc (though I personally find this specific transform somewhat questionable):

bool h() {
  int* ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
  bool result = ptr != nullptr;
  return result;


bool h_opt() {
  return true;

Talking about LLVM IR directly, many basic arithmetic optimizations are refinement operations since the IR specifies an undef value. For instance, replacing x - x with 0 refines the expression from computing “undef if x is undef, 0 if x isn’t undef1 to “0 for all values of x”.

Derefinement breaks static analysis

Given the optimization transforming

bool f(std::atomic_int& ptr) {
  int val_a = ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  int val_b = ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  if (val_a != val_b)


bool f_opt(std::atomic_int& ptr) { }

static analysis on f_opt is not necessarily valid on f. For instance, f_opt does not read or write memory while f does, and if we optimize the caller of f_opt based on the assumption that it does not read or write memory then changing the call site to call f instead of f_opt will retroactively invalidate the optimization.

This demonstrates claim (1): given two differently optimized versions of the same source level function, we may be able to prove things about one of the copies that are not valid for the other. Note that f is a trivially “optimized” version of itself.

“Differently optimized” does not mean “different optimization pipeline”

To see why claim (3) is true, consider something like:

// x.hpp
class F {
  void f(std::atomic_int& ptr) {
    if (g(ptr) != g(ptr))
  int g(std::atomic_int& ptr);
// x.cpp
#include "x.hpp"

int F::g(std::atomic_int& ptr) {
  return ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

void external_caller_0(F &f, int* value, std::atomic_int& v) {
  *value = 10;
  *value = 20;
// y.cpp
#include "x.hpp"

void external_caller_1(F &f, std::atomic_int& v) {

When optimizing X.cpp it is possible for F::g to get inlined into F::f and then for F::f to ultimately be optimized to an empty function. This could then justify an inter-procedural optimization to optimize away the store of 10 to value in external_caller_0, which would be bad if the call site ultimately called the copy of F::f present in the Y.cpp translation unit. The copy of F::f present in the Y.cpp translation unit will not have inlined F::g (since it can’t even see it) and thus will contain a viable call to read_and_write_memory (which presumably reads and writes memory). Therefore the store elimination we did in external_caller_0 will be rendered invalid retroactively if we replace the call site in external_caller_0 to call F::f from the Y.cpp translation unit.

You can find an “exploit” based on this concept at, but note that this bug is now fixed in both clang and GCC.


Firstly, I’ll note that this problem disappears in “whole program optimization” like situations where the optimizer runs after the definitive copy of each C++ inline functions has been selected.

Here are some ways to solve this in a traditional, “optimize and codegen to .o files, and then link” setting:

  • Link a call site calling a C++ inline function only to the exact definition that the compiler saw when optimizing the caller. This will require some smartness in the linker to avoid excessive code bloat, but it allows unrestricted IPO across C++ inline call sites.

  • Don’t do IPO over call sites that call C++ inline functions. This is the fix implemented in clang today. I don’t know what fix was implemented in GCC for this.

  • Do IPO across C++ inline call boundaries, but only before the inline candidates have had any refinement.

I want to expand on the third option a little, since it begs the interesting question: what optimizations don’t involve refinement? Here are some examples of non-refining optimizations:

Since racing on non-atomic reads and writes is undefined behavior, optimizing:

int f(int *ptr) {
  *ptr = 20;
  return *ptr;


int f(int *ptr) {
  *ptr = 20;
  return 20;

is not refinement. Optimizing

int f() {
  if (false)


int f() {

isn’t refinement either – both the original and transformed programs have the exact same set of behaviors – “call bar”.

Informally, to decide whether a transform involves refinement or not we can ask the following question: is the inverse of the said transform a correct optimization? Since refinement transforms remove behaviors, their inverses add behaviors, something a correct optimization typically2 cannot do. Therefore optimizations whose inverses are correct optimizations cannot be refining optimizations.

  1. Strictly speaking, this is not complete since LLVM allows individual bits to be undef, but hopefully it gets the gist across. 

  2. Please let me know if there are counterexamples to this.