Program optimization (via optimizing compilers) is usually framed as a semantic preservation problem. The programming environment assigns some sort of meaning to the program being executed, and it is the job of the optimizing compiler to preserve this meaning as it transforms the program. This is usually a chicken and egg problem – the semantics tend to depend on what you can implement efficiently – and many times the semantics of a construct is intentionally tuned just right to allow certain kinds of transformations. An example of this sort of thing is the dreaded “undefined behavior” in C and C++1.

Semantics and Transforms

I propose another way to think about semantics in the presence of an optimizer – explicitly model a set of program transformations within the programming language specification. Have these transforms axiomatically be semantics preserving, and have the semantics of a program be a function of the semantics of the set of programs you get by repeated application of these transforms2.

The memory models for Java and C++ are classic examples. Currently they’re specified by a (somewhat complex) partial order that seemingly just so happens to let the compiler do the transforms that it wants to do. If we’re okay with making the optimizer a first class citizen within language semantics, then we could instead state the “base” semantics in terms of a sequentially consistent programming environment (easy to specify) with a set of allowed re-orderings (e.g. r0 = *a; r1 = acquire-load b \(\Rightarrow\) r1 = acquire-load b ; r0 = *a) that don’t need further justification. This is how most people reason about the memory model anyway.

A second example is non-wrapping (nuw or nsw) arithmetic in LLVM. There have been many discussions on llvmdev on what the meaning of a “poison value” should be, and as far as I can tell, there is currently no widely accepted answer. Here too we could choose to acknowledge the optimizer in LLVM’s semantics and state some transforms (like (sext (add nsw A B)) \(\Rightarrow\) (add (sext A) (sext B))) as being axiomatically meaning preserving.

A third example: a language specification could state that it is always legal to move division operations from point \(A\) to point \(B\) as long as \(B\) is not reached if \(A\) is not reached. Division by zero can then be separately defined to trap deterministically, and not have arbitrary undefined behavior.

What happens if your program changes behavior because of one of these transforms? I think we have some flexibility here. We could interpret behavior change due to axiomatically legal transforms as “non determinism”. The implementation is allowed to have the program evaluate to what any of the transformed programs would evaluate to, and the program will have to deal with that somehow. We could make a more extreme assertion and interpret behavioral changes due to axiomatically legal transforms as undefined behavior – programs are well defined only if they do not change observable behavior on the application of an axiomatically legal transform. There is a spectrum of possibilities here.

But …

It may feel uncomfortable to tie the set of legal transforms this directly to the language specification, and give off the impression that getting a smarter compiler would require changing the language. I don’t think this is a big concern. First of all, locking the compiler out of optimizations is a possibility no matter how you specify your semantics. And by no means should the axiomatic transforms be the only legal transforms – they’re just a way to specify language semantics – and they should be aggressively exploited to derive other transforms. For instance, using (sext (add nsw a b)) \(\Rightarrow\) (add nsw (sext a) (sext b)) we can prove (icmp slt a (add nsw a 1)) \(\Rightarrow\) true since

\(\begin{aligned} & \; \texttt{(icmp slt a (add nsw a 1))} \texttt{} & \text{} \\ \Longleftrightarrow & \; \texttt{(icmp slt (sext a) (sext (add nsw a 1)))} \texttt{} & \text{property of sext and slt} \\ \Rightarrow & \; \texttt{(icmp slt (sext a) (add (sext a) (sext 1)))} \texttt{} & \text{axiom} \\ \Longleftrightarrow & \; \texttt{true} \texttt{} & \text{true for all a} \\ \end{aligned}\)

Slight digression: note that we cannot have (sext (add nsw a b)) \(\Longleftrightarrow\) (add nsw (sext a) (sext b)) as an axiom, since if it were an axiom we could replace true with (icmp slt a (add nsw a 1)), which would be weird. And this transform does not have to happen, and (icmp slt a (add nsw a 1)) could also evaluate to false if a was INT_SMAX.


Apart from proving the legality of transforms by showing that they preserve semantics, I propose defining some bits of semantics as what is preserved by axiomatically legal transforms. I think this approach has potential to simplify some corner cases in programming language specification.

  1. The story goes that most of undefined behavior in C and C++ was historically intended to keep the language specification independent of specific machine details. But enabling compiler optimizations is currently a major use of undefined behavior. 

  2. This will have to be accompanied by some mechanism to avoid circular dependencies.